our mission
Tripp's Army is a certified 501c3 non-profit foundation, formed with the purpose of helping others navigate life after pediatric brain injury.
Donate to Our Mission
While pediatric brain injuries can occur in different ways and have different effects, the one thing they all have in common is the costs they come with. Therapies, equipment, home health, respite care, and many other valuable resources are most often not covered by health insurance and very rarely in full. Help us get these children and their families the care they need for their journey.

We still remember how lost we felt in the early days after Tripp's injury. If it were not for the families who had gone through this before us sharing the information and resources they had, we might still feel that same sense of helplessness. We have compiled the resources we have found helpful, and update the list as we continue to learn and discover more about life after pediatric brain injury.